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What is the cost of attending Saint Francis University?

Hey everyone, I'm considering Saint Francis University for my undergrad degree. But before I make the choice, I need to have a better idea of its tuition fees and associated costs. Could anyone please let me know? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Sure! The exact cost of attendance at Saint Francis University can vary based on your program, housing choice, and financial aid eligibility among other factors. As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the estimated full-time undergraduate tuition at Saint Francis University is $42,900 per year. This is just the base tuition and doesn't account for additional fees.

Room and board, which includes on-campus housing and meal plans, is an additional cost. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the typical cost for room and board at Saint Francis University falls in the range of $13,000 to $14,000.

You may also want to account for additional expenses such as textbooks, personal expenses, and transportation, which can vary greatly from student to student. As a rough estimate, budget $1,000-$1,500 for books and supplies, and around $2,000 for personal expenses and transportation.

Remember, these are pre-financial aid costs. Depending on your financial situation, you may be eligible for federal, state, or institutional aid like grants and scholarships, which could significantly reduce your out-of-pocket costs. Be sure to fill out the FAFSA to be considered for these forms of aid!

To get the most accurate estimate specific to your situation, I would highly recommend utilizing Saint Francis University's Net Price Calculator on their website. This tool uses inputs about your family's financial situation to give you a personalized estimate of your net cost of attending after financial aid is taken into consideration.

Please note that these mentioned figures are approximate and the actual costs may vary, so do check the official Saint Francis University website or contact the financial aid office for the most accurate and current information.

3 months ago

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