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Is it appropriate to include religious themes in my college application essay, specifically for Boston College?

This might be a long shot, but I'm applying to Boston College and I was thinking about weaving in my religious journey, which has been a huge part of my life. I know BC is a Jesuit school, but would taking a religious angle come off as pandering or could it actually help my essay resonate more with the admissions team? Any advice from past applicants to religiously-affiliated schools would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Including religious themes in your college application essay can be a meaningful way to showcase your personal growth and values, particularly if you're applying to a school like Boston College that has a Jesuit tradition. However, it's crucial that your essay remains authentic and reflective of your true experiences and beliefs, rather than appearing as an attempt to pander to the admissions team's potential preferences.

An example where religious themes can be impactful is when they have influenced your decisions, such as community service initiatives, leadership roles, or coping with challenges. If your religious journey has been a transformative part of your life and has shaped you into the person you are today, then it could certainly help your essay resonate. Make sure to connect your religious experiences with larger themes of growth and perspective that have universal appeal. Your goal should be to offer insight into your character and values, regardless of the reader's personal beliefs. As long as your essay reflects sincerity and introspection, it should be well received.

a year ago

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