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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is there a specific requirement for the academic subject section on Common App?

Trying to fill out the Common App and I've hit the academic subject section. Are they asking for my best subject, or all the subjects I've taken so far in high school? Any tips from seniors or others who've done this would be really helpful!

a year ago

Hello there! Happy to offer some clarity on the Common App academic subject section. In this part of the application, the aim is to provide a comprehensive picture of your high school coursework. You should list all the subjects you have taken throughout your high school years. This includes courses completed, currently enrolled, and planned for the remainder of high school. The Common App is designed to give colleges a full view of your academic interests and strengths across the board, so it's important to be thorough and accurate.

For example, if you've taken English, Mathematics, History, Science, Foreign Language, and elective courses such as Art or Computer Science, you should include all of these subjects in the section. Also, make sure you're using your official high school transcript as a reference to ensure that the course names and levels (such as honors, AP, or IB) match and that you're not omitting anything.

I hope this helps clear up any confusion. Best of luck with your application, and remember to review everything carefully before submitting. Colleges appreciate a well-documented and thorough academic profile!

a year ago

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