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Graduation rate for University of Oklahoma?

I'm beginning to explore my college options. The University of Oklahoma is one potential destination, I'm just not sure about its graduation rate. Can anyone give me an idea of this statistic, and perhaps how it might compare to similar institutions? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

The University of Oklahoma has a graduation rate of about 75% for undergraduate students, according to the most recent statistics available. This means that out of all the students who begin a bachelor's degree program at this institution, around 75% of them complete it within six years, which is the standard timeframe used to measure graduation rates.

If you're looking to compare this to similar institutions, here's a quick comparison:

1. Texas A&M University, another large public university, has a roughly 82% graduation rate.

2. Kansas State University, comparable in size and being a public university, has a graduation rate of about 68%.

Remember, while these statistics can provide a snapshot of each college's retention and completion rates, it's important to consider the context such as the majors offered, support services for students, and the university's overall academic environment. Factors such as student engagement, faculty quality, and availability of resources can significantly impact these rates. It's crucial to consider these broader aspects as well when evaluating a potential college or university.

3 months ago

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