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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for easy colleges to get into in Florida

Hey communities, so the whole college application thing is frustrating me a bit. What are some colleges in Florida that have relatively relaxed admission standards? I'm looking for somewhere that still has a great education but is maybe a little easier on admissions.

3 months ago

Definitely, it's understandable to feel this way. Florida does have a range of schools with varying degrees of selectivity. The state features a blend of public and private institutions, many of which have less stringent admission criteria but still offer a quality education.

1. Florida Atlantic University (FAU): It's a public university located in Boca Raton and has acceptance rates typically over 60%. They offer a wide array of programs and degrees in diverse fields such as Science, Business, Engineering, Nursing, and the Liberal Arts.

2. Florida Gulf Coast University: Located in Fort Myers, Florida Gulf Coast University provides excellent programs in areas like Engineering, Business, and Education. Their acceptance rate is often above 60%, making it relatively accessible.

3. University of North Florida: Based in Jacksonville, UNF offers a strong emphasis on student-centered learning, and it has seen acceptance rates above 50%. They offer a broad range of majors including Biology, Business, and Psychology.

4. Florida A&M University: As a historically black public university, Florida A&M provides great opportunities in Business, Health, and STEM-related fields. Their admissions are relatively forgiving with an acceptance rate often above 30%.

5. Nova Southeastern University: If you're interested in private schools, Nova Southeastern University in Davie is worth considering with an acceptance rate often above 70%. It's known for its programs in Business, Education, and Health professions.

Remember that college admissions don't solely revolve around acceptance rates. It's important to research these schools and find one that matches your educational and career goals. The academic culture, campus life, network, and opportunities for career advancement are all worth considering alongside statistics. Stick with it – you'll find the right match!

3 months ago

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