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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone know how the GPA scale at FAU works?

Hello amigos, considering to apply to Florida Atlantic University but a little confused about their GPA scale. Do they use the standard 4.0 scale or something different? Thanks for helping a fellow student out!

3 months ago

Hello! Florida Atlantic University (FAU) uses the standard 4.0 GPA scale like many U.S. colleges. Here's a simplified overview: an A represents 4.0, B is 3.0, C is 2.0, D is 1.0, and F represents 0. Plus and minus grades are adjusted accordingly, like a B+ equates to 3.33 and a B- equates to 2.67.

However, when it comes to admissions, they often look at your weighted GPA using the core classes you've taken in high school. Weighted GPAs account for the difficulty of certain courses. For example, AP, IB or honors classes would typically receive an additional point: an A equates to a 5.0 rather than 4.0, reflecting the additional effort and knowledge required for such courses.

But remember, FAU will recalculate your GPA based on academic (college preparatory) coursework only. There may be small differences between the GPA listed on your transcript and the GPA used for admission decisions. This is normal and happens because each university has its own method for calculating GPA for admissions decisions.

Keep in mind, FAU does list minimum admission requirements, and most candidates have much stronger academic profiles than these minimums. So don't be discouraged if your GPA doesn't hit the highest possible mark.

3 months ago

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