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Thoughts on FAU vs University of Florida?

Hey you all! I've got decisions rolling in and I'm caught in a dilemma – FAU or University of Florida? Can anyone share their experiences, academics-wise and campus-life-wise, with either (or both) of these schools?

3 months ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Let's dive into the comparison between Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and the University of Florida (UF).

Academically, both universities have strengths in different areas. UF is often known for its programs in Business, Journalism, and Engineering, among others. FAU has particular strengths in areas like Urban Planning, Music, and the Health Professions. Depending on what you intend to major in, one may be better aligned with your academic interests.

As for campus life, UF is located in Gainesville, a mid-size college town. College sports are very popular there, especially football, which lends a spirited and high-energy atmosphere during game times. UF offers many extracurriculars, with over 1,000 student organizations to select from, so you're bound to find something that aligns with your interests.

FAU, on the other hand, is located in the more urban environment of Boca Raton. Students often comment on the friendly and diverse community as well as the proximity to the beach. There are over 300 clubs and organizations here and the school's sports teams compete in the NCAA Division I, so there's still plenty of marching band and game day excitement.

In terms of size, UF is larger with about 60,000 undergraduates, compared to about 30,000 at FAU. Some find that the larger size of UF leads to more opportunities, especially with its extensive alumni network. However, FAU's smaller size could potentially lead to a more individualized education where it's easier to form connections with professors.

While both schools offer a variety of opportunities, your choice should be based on what you're specifically seeking in your college experience. I encourage you to also consider factors such as size, location, campus culture, financial packages, and course offerings in your areas of interest. Remember, there's no wrong choice here - both universities can provide a great education and campus experience!

3 months ago

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