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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Details on Florida Atlantic University Demographics?

Hello, folks! I'm considering applying to Florida Atlantic University and wanted to grasp a better understanding about the diversity of the student population. Could anyone provide me info on its demographics - like racial diversity, male to female ratio, and geographical distribution?

3 months ago

Sure, let's dive into Florida Atlantic University's demographics. The following information should give you a good idea of the diversity present on campus:

Racial Diversity: Florida Atlantic University boasts a highly diverse student body. While the exact statistics may change slightly year-on-year, the following approximate breakdown provides a rough idea: around 40.1% of the student body identifies as White, about 27.4% identifies as Hispanic/Latino, around 18.3% identifies as Black or African American, and approximately 4.47 identifies as Asian. The remainder of the student body identifies as multiracial or falls into other categories.

Geographical Distribution: Most students at Florida Atlantic University are in-state students from Florida, which isn't uncommon for public universities. However, the university also attracts out-of-state students and international students, further contributing to the diverse make-up of the campus community.

It's definitely high-quality to evaluate the diversity at your prospective institutions as it will greatly impact your college experience. These figures should give you a fairly accurate representation of the demographics at Florida Atlantic University.

3 months ago

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