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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Use the JHU GPA Calculator?

Hey, I came across this Johns Hopkins University (JHU) GPA calculator and I'm a bit lost on how to use it. Does anyone have a step-by-step guide or some tips on getting accurate calculations? Thanks a bunch!

3 months ago

Sure, the Johns Hopkins GPA calculator can be quite handy to use. Here's a simple step-by-step guide to follow:

1. Determine Your Grade Points: First, you need to understand your grades in terms of the four-point scale. The university typically uses a 4.0 scale where A+=4.33, A=4.00, A-=3.67, B+=3.33, B=3.00, B-=2.67, C+=2.33, C=2.00, C-=1.67, D=1.00 and F=0.00. If your school uses a different grading scale, convert your grades to this scale.

2. Class Weight: Secondly, you need to know the credit hours of your classes. Most classes tend to be around 3 to 4 credit hours, but it can vary. Make sure you confirm this with your class syllabus or academic advisor.

3. Input Data: After you've gathered this information, input it into the GPA calculator. You'll be putting in each of your classes, the grade received in each, and the corresponding credit hours for each.

4. Calculation: Once you've entered all of your classes for a given semester, the calculator will automatically compute your GPA for that term.

5. Further Calculations: For your cumulative GPA, you need to continue this process for each semester you've been in school. Once you've inputted all your data in this manner, the calculator will give you your cumulative GPA.

A reminder to make sure that the grades and credit hours are accurately typed in to get the most accurate calculation, rounding to the nearest two decimal places. The GPA calculator is primarily there to offer an approximation of your GPA, not the official GPA, which is provided by the registrar's office at the university.

3 months ago

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