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Tuition cost for South Dakota School of Mines?

Hello fine people of the internet! I'm currently a junior and one of my target schools is the South Dakota School of Mines. Would anyone be so kind to enlighten me on their tuition costs, just so I can plan better financially? Thanks a ton!

3 months ago

The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, as per the current information for the 2024-2025 academic year, has an estimated annual tuition cost of $10,5 10,400 60 for in-state residents and $15,230 for out-of-state residents. These costs reflect the tuition for full time undergraduate studies for the fall and spring semesters.

Please note these values might be subject to change yearly and they don't take into account other expenses like housing, meals, books, transportation, and personal expenses which could make the total cost of attendance higher. You should consider these additional expenses when planning your finances.

Additionally, the cost could be offset by financial aid or any scholarships you may be eligible for. I strongly recommend checking out the financial aid office's website for more information and utilize net price calculators to determine what you might actually pay after taking into account grants and scholarships.

3 months ago

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