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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Quick Inquiry about FSU Major Options

I'm considering Florida State University for post-secondary and am particularly wondering about the diversity of study options they offer. Can anybody drop a link or list of the majors they offer, or give me some info on where to find it?

3 months ago

Sure, I can help you with that!

Florida State University offers diverse options of undergraduate majors across its colleges. You can find information about the undergraduate programs in the academics section on university's website, which gives a clear rundown of all the study fields grouped under their respective colleges for ease of navigation.

To guide you a bit, here's a glimpse of some study options offered:

1. College of Arts and Sciences: This college offers majors like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, and various options in the Humanities.

2. College of Music: Here, students can major in areas like Composition, Music Education, and Music Theory, among others.

3. College of Human Sciences: This college offers majors like Family and Child Sciences, Dietetics, Athletic Training, and is known for its strong programs in these areas.

4. College of Business: Students can major in Marketing, Finance, Management and many more business-oriented majors.

5. College of Communication and Information: It offers majors such as Communication Science & Disorders, Information Technology, and Media/Communication Studies.

6. College of Social Work: If you're interested in serving communities, you can opt for Social Work from here.

7. College of Education: For those interested in shaping younger generations, you can choose Education majors here.

This is just an overview, and the university offers many more interesting majors. FSU also offers interdisciplinary programs if you want to work on a degree that draws from a variety of disciplines. Remember, these offerings can change from year to year, so it's always a good idea to directly check their website or get in touch with their admissions office for the most accurate and current information. Happy hunting!

3 months ago

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