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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What's Georgetown's Stand on Diversity?

Hey all, I'm seriously considering applying to Georgetown and diversity is a big concern for me. Can someone shed some light on how diverse Georgetown is? Does the university have any specific policies or initiatives to promote diversity on campus?

3 months ago

Georgetown University maintains a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusivity, which can be seen in its policies, initiatives, and community engagements.

In terms of policies, Georgetown has a non-discrimination policy which you can find on the university website, stating that the university does not discriminate on the basis of, among other things, race, color, religion, or national origin. This policy is not just about admission but extends to all university services and resources.

Georgetown has numerous initiatives to enhance diversity on campus. For instance, the Center for Multicultural Equity and Access (CMEA) works to support students from historically marginalized communities. Georgetown Scholarship Program (GSP) is another initiative which supports first generation and low-income students with resources like mentorship, academic support, career opportunities, and financial resources.

Furthermore, Georgetown has many student-led organizations that celebrate cultural and ethnic diversity, such as the Black Student Alliance, Latinx Leadership Forum, and Asian American Student Association, among others. The presence of these groups on campus showcases the active role students take in advocating for diversity and inclusion, providing spaces where students can express, explore and celebrate their identities.

Regarding representation, Georgetown's undergraduate population is approximately 50% White, 10% Hispanic, 11% Asian, 7% Black, and the remaining percentage being international students or students identifying as two or more races.

While these initiatives and statistics reflect a commitment to diversity, the effectiveness of such measures can vary from person to person. If possible, try to connect with current students or alumni from diverse backgrounds to get their perspective on the university's diversity climate.

3 months ago

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