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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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GWU GPA Calculator: How does it function?

Hello everyone, I've been considering applying to George Washington University for some time now, but I'm trying to understand how my GPA is calculated according to their system. How do they calculate it exactly?

3 months ago

When evaluating GPA for admissions, George Washington University (GWU) looks at your GPA as it's represented on your high school transcript. This typically means they consider your cumulative GPA from 9th grade through the first semester of 12th grade.

Also, GWU typically operates on a 4.0 scale, and they review your weighted GPA. This means they take into account any advanced coursework, like AP or IB classes, where A's in those courses would equate to a higher value than in regular classes.

However, it's important to know that GWU, like many universities, engages in a process known as “recalibration,” where they may recalculate your GPA based on their own scale and the rigor of the coursework you've completed. This process often includes giving more weight to your core academic courses (English, math, social studies, science, and foreign languages) than to electives.

Nevertheless, GPA is only one of many factors GWU considers during the admission process. They also look at test scores (if submitted), the quality of your high school curriculum, your extracurricular activities, and more.

Remember to keep striving for academic excellence, and showcase other activities and experiences that make you a well-rounded candidate. Also, make sure your application essays are strong, as these can help you stand out in an applicant pool.

3 months ago

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