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Bloomsburg University Tuition

I'm thinking about Bloomsburg University as a viable option, but I'm concerned about the cost. What's the tuition like at Bloomsburg? Are there enough scholarship or financial aid opportunities?

3 months ago

If you're a Pennsylvania resident, you'll find that tuition at Bloomsburg University is relatively affordable when compared to many other institutions of similar size and prestige. For in-state students, the tuition and fees at Bloomsburg University hover around $23.681 for the 2024-2025 academic year. If you're an out-of-state student, the cost increases slightly to approximately $35,505.

It's worth noting that these figures don't include room and board, books, or any personal expenses, so you'll want to factor those costs into your budget as well. Furthermore, keep in mind that tuition does tend to rise slightly each year.

Regarding scholarships and financial aid, Bloomsburg University offers numerous options. Incoming freshmen may be eligible for merit scholarships based on their high school GPA and SAT or ACT scores. These scholarships can go a long way in reducing the out-of-pocket cost of attendance. In addition to merit scholarships, there are also need-based grants and loans available.

You should definitely complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is used to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid. The school also uses this application to award some of its own need-based aid. The Student Aid Index (SAI), which replaces the former Expected Family Contribution (EFC), will be determined based on the information you provide on the FAFSA, and it shapes the financial aid package you're offered.

In terms of departmental and private scholarships, each academic department usually offers several scholarships to students within their major, and Bloomsburg University's Financial Aid Office maintains a list of external/private scholarships that students can check out.

I hope this information gives you a clearer idea of the potential costs and financial aid opportunities at Bloomsburg University!

3 months ago

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