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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How crucial is the PSAT for college admissions?

Just a bit stressed and need some insights. Is the PSAT actually necessary for the college admissions process, or is it more of a practice tool for the SAT? Does it look bad if you don't have a PSAT score when you're applying to colleges?

a year ago

No need to stress about the PSAT in terms of college admissions. Think of the PSAT primarily as a practice tool for the SAT; it's designed to prepare students for the types of questions they'll encounter on the actual SAT, as well as give them a feel for the testing format and timing. Colleges do not require PSAT scores for admission and don't consider them as part of your application. The primary importance of the PSAT comes into play if you score highly enough to qualify for National Merit distinction, which can lead to scholarship opportunities. But even for National Merit, only juniors are considered. So, if you're a sophomore taking the PSAT, it's just a run-through and has no impact on college admissions. As a junior, it could potentially earn you scholarships, but not having a PSAT score at all won't be a negative factor when you're applying to colleges. Your focus should be on your SAT or ACT scores, GPA, extracurricular activities, and application essays.

a year ago

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