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Looking for an Easy History Class at Collin College. Any Suggestions?

Hi there. I'm planning my schedule for the next year and want to balance my tough courses with something a bit easier. I need to fulfill a history credit but I'm not particularly good at it, so I'm looking for the easiest history class at Collin College. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

I've worked with several students who've had similar concerns about balancing workload and finding easier classes. Regarding your history credit at Collin College, HIST 1301 (U.S. History I) often comes up as a class that students find manageable. The content covers U.S. history up to 1877, and depending on the professor, there can be a fair balance between lectures, readings, and assessments.

Another class that some have reportedly found straightforward is HIST 2321 (World Civilizations I). The class covers early human civilizations through to the Middle Ages and it can be interesting for those who want to explore a broad range of cultures and societies.

However, remember, an easy course can often depend upon the professor teaching it. Websites like RateMyProfessors can give you insights into the teaching styles and expectations of different professors. But treat the reviews with caution as they can sometimes be skewed.

It's also worth noting that sometimes engaging with a more challenging subject can lead to a richer educational experience. Strike a balance between ease and interest. If a course topic really fascinates you, that might motivate you to put in the necessary work, even if the course is not seen as 'easy' by others.

3 months ago

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