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Thinking of Maths: What's considered the easiest math class in college?

Hey everyone! I've always struggled a bit with math and I'm starting to check out college course options. Just curious if any of you could help out: what is typically considered the easiest math class in college? Would love some advice so I can plan my schedule accordingly. Thanks!

3 months ago

Hello! While the "easiest" math class can vary depending on individual strengths and weaknesses, many students find that "College Algebra" or "Introduction to Statistics" can be on the easier side as these courses often review materials that most students are exposed to in high school.

"College Algebra" generally covers basic algebraic principles (e.g. solving linear and quadratic equations, logarithms, complex numbers, etc.). As a class, it tends to be less theory-intensive and focuses more on problem-solving, which can be more approachable for some students.

On the other hand, "Introduction to Statistics" tends to be less abstract than pure math courses, focusing more on data analysis and probability concepts. This makes it applicable to a wide range of fields, from social sciences to business. Furthermore, the use of software for computations can ease the calculation burden.

However, be sure that whichever course you select satisfies your degree requirements as some majors might require more advanced math classes. Additionally, the difficulty of a course can also depend on the professor, so checking Rate My Professor or asking upperclassmen could be beneficial. Good luck with your course planning!

3 months ago

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