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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any tips on how to do well on the PSAT?

What's up everyone! I'm taking the PSAT next year and I'm pretty determined to knock it out of the park. Any veterans got tips or resources that helped them score well?

a year ago

Hey there! It's wonderful that you're seeking advice to excel in your PSAT. A strong foundation for a good PSAT score often begins with understanding the format of the test and the types of questions you'll encounter. Familiarize yourself with the test structure by using official College Board practice materials and taking timed practice tests. This not only gets you comfortable with the types of questions but also helps you manage your time effectively during the exam itself.

Another key strategy is to focus on honing critical reading and math skills throughout your schoolwork, as these are directly applicable to the PSAT. Don't hesitate to review concepts you find challenging and seek clarification from your teachers whenever necessary. Also, there are various resources available online, including Khan Academy, which offers free personalized practice geared towards the PSAT through an official partnership with the College Board. Pairing this with regular reading and math practice can make a significant difference in improving your score. Good luck, and remember that preparing for the PSAT is also preparing for the SAT, so it's beneficial no matter what!

a year ago

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