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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Colleges with Manageable Workloads

Hello! I am a rising junior, starting to think about college seriously. I'm juggling lots of activities next to academics so having a manageable college workload is my top priority. Any suggestions for colleges that are known for this? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Sure, I can certainly provide a few options of colleges known for their lively campus culture and balance between academic and extracurricular life.

1. Brown University: Famous for its open curriculum, Brown University gives students the freedom to shape their own learning path. This flexibility often translates into a workload that students find reasonable since they mainly focus on courses they are genuinely interested in.

2. Wake Forest University: Known for its emphasis on holistic education, Wake Forest encourages students to partake in diverse activities outside the classroom. So, the workload is usually manageable.

3. University of Wisconsin, Madison: UW Madison is known for maintaining a suitable balance between academics and extracurricular activities, ensuring students have time to engage in the extensive range of groups and events the campus offers.

4. Tulane University: Located in the vibrant city of New Orleans, Tulane is often cited by students for its balance between a rigorous academic life and the rich cultural activities the city and the university's campus provide.

Remember, what feels like a manageable workload can vary based on the individual. Therefore, it's crucial to consider the rigor of your high school schedule relative to college expectations, your intended major, and your willingness to devote time to assignments. Additionally, leverage the resources provided by these schools to help manage your workload effectively, such as academic support services and organizational skill workshops. This approach will help you maintain a good balance between your academic, extracurricular, and personal life no matter where you end up.

3 months ago

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