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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Travel Distance to Villanova University

Hi friends, I'm a junior considering Villanova University for applying. I'm trying to assess how far it is from my place. Does anyone know a quick way to find out this info, maybe some tool or resource? Would really appreciate the help here!

6 months ago

Hi there! A very straightforward method would be to use Google Maps.

You need to:

- Go to Google Maps on your device.

- In the search box, type in "Villanova University."

- Once the university location is displayed, click on the Directions button.

- Then, input your home address as the start point.

- Google Maps will then calculate the distance and driving time for you.

Keep in mind this is the driving distance, and your actual travel time will vary depending on your mode of transportation. For instance, if you're flying, then obviously you'd need to reach your nearest airport and check the flight durations from there to Philadelphia International Airport, which is the nearest to Villanova University.

Good luck with your college planning!

6 months ago

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