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Which are the easiest classes to take at Colby College?

Hi everyone, I'm heading to Colby College in the fall and I'm creating my fall semester plan. Can anyone drop some names of easy classes or professors that I should consider?

3 months ago

It's important not to focus solely on seeking out the "easiest" classes or professors, but to choose classes that you're genuinely interested in and that align with your goals. That being said, I understand that it can sometimes be helpful to have a course in your schedule that isn't as demanding, especially as you're adjusting to college life in your first semester.

Here are a few introductory courses at Colby College that students often find engaging and not too overwhelming:

1. AR101 - "Art in Context": This is a great intro to Art History. It introduces many historical periods and styles, and previous students have appreciated the engaging lectures.

2. TH114 - "Acting 1": If you want to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people, the acting classes are a great place to start. They require passion and effort but are not traditionally academically challenging.

3. PS111 - "Introduction to Psychology": This class is said to be quite straightforward if you keep up with the readings and attend lectures. It's also a fascinating introduction to the field of psychology.

4. MU101 - "Exploring Music": This course is popular among students of all majors, even those who have never studied music before.

5. ES118 - "Geology, the Science of the Earth": This broad introductory course covers many topics about the Earth and its features. Past students have found it to be fairly accessible.

I recommend taking advantage of office hours and tutoring services as needed. Additionally, your academic adviser can be a great resource to help you choose classes.

Ultimately, what's "easy" can greatly depend on your specific strengths, interests, and study habits. Remember, a class can be challenging and enjoyable at the same time!

3 months ago

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