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Can 'soldier' apply to all military branches?

I've always used 'soldier' as a blanket term for anyone in the military, but I'm not sure if it's 100% accurate. Does it apply to all branches: Air Force, Navy, Marines? Or is it specific to one? Feeling a bit confused.

3 months ago

While it's common to colloquially use the term 'soldier' to refer to anyone in the military, it's technically not correct for all branches. Each branch of the United States military has its own specific terminology.

Members of the Army are referred to as 'Soldiers'. If referring to a member of the Air Force, the accurate term would be 'Airman'. In the Navy, you'd call them 'Sailor'. For the Marine Corps, the term is 'Marine'. For the Coast Guard, they are 'Coast Guardsmen'. And finally, in the Space Force, they are referred to as 'Guardians'.

Using the specific terminology is an important aspect of recognizing the identities of the different branches and the distinctive paths each servicemember has taken. When in doubt, it's always safe to use the term 'servicemember' as a blanket term to address anyone in the military.

3 months ago

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