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Does having diabetes affect joining the military?

I've been considering a career in the military after high school, but I've got diabetes. Could this prevent me from joining any military branches? Do they have different health standards or special considerations for instances like this?

3 months ago

Depending on the type and severity of your diabetes, it could potentially impact your ability to serve in the military. The U.S. military has established medical fitness criteria for enlistment, which include restrictions for certain medical conditions. Unfortunately, insulin-dependent diabetes is usually a disqualifying medical condition according to Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6130.03.

The primary concern is the unpredictable nature of diabetes and its potential complications, which could potentially impair your performance or endanger you or others during high stress, physical exertion, or remote deployment situations. This condition also requires regular access to specialized medical care, which might not be available in certain operational environments.

However, it's important to note that waivers can be granted in some circumstances. The availability and approval of waivers often depend on the needs of the military and the specific circumstances of the individual applicant. If you're currently managing your diabetes well and without severe complications, it might be worth discussing this with a recruiter.

Each branch of the military may have slightly different protocols for dealing with pre-existing medical conditions, so it could be advantageous to research this further and perhaps speak with representatives from a few different branches. While the initial outlook might seem discouraging, it's worth exploring all options if joining the military is a strong interest for you.

Please keep in mind that even if enlistment isn't an option, there are many other ways to serve your country or community and have a fulfilling career. This could involve civilian roles within the military, or positions in government or public service that don't necessarily have the same physical requirements.

3 months ago

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