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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can You Serve in Different Military Branches?

Hey everyone, I've been debating my post-high school path and I was wondering, is it possible to serve in different branches of the military during my career, like start in the Navy, then switch to the Army later or something? Anyone have insights on this?

3 months ago

Absolutely, it is possible to serve in different branches of the U.S. military throughout your career, but with some caveats. This process is known as an inter-service transfer. With an approved inter-service transfer, you could start your career in the Navy and then switch to the Army, for example.

However, it's worth noting that inter-service transfers are less common and can be fairly complex. The process generally involves receiving an honorable discharge from your current branch and then meeting the enlistment requirements for the new branch you wish to join. For officers, the process is a bit more complicated and may involve congressional approval.

Another point to consider is that time served in one branch might not fully count towards pay grade and retirement in another branch. It's worth reaching out to a local recruiter for each branch you're considering to get an understanding of how the benefits, rank, and retirement might translate between them.

Lastly, you should also remember that each branch of the military has its own training and job requirements. Even if you switch branches, you will likely have to undergo a different training process specific to that branch.

It's not the most straightforward path, but those who are determined and flexible can certainly navigate it.

3 months ago

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