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Deciding between military branches for a career in computer jobs

Hey everyone, I'm currently a high school junior with a strong interest in working with computers. I'm considering enlisting right after high school instead of going to college, and I've been doing a bit of reading about the different military branches. I'm at a standstill though and could really use some advice. In your opinion, what would be the best military branch if I'm looking to pursue a computer-related job? I'm interested in stuff like system administration, cybersecurity, or even programming. I'm drawn to the military for the discipline and structure it provides. Plus, I've heard they provide excellent training.

3 months ago


It's commendable that you're considering a path in the military and are proactive about aligning your career interests with different branches. Each branch of the military offers opportunities for a career in computers, but the Army, Air Force, and Navy are typically considered the most robust when it comes to tech-intensive fields.

The U.S. Army has a variety of technology-focused roles, one of which is a 25B Information Technology Specialist. They deal with management, maintenance, troubleshooting, and operation of computers, networks, and software. The Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) that would suit your interest are the 25D (Cyber Network Defender), and 17C (Cyber Operations Specialist) roles.

The U.S. Air Force has a strong emphasis on technology and innovation. You might be interested in roles such as the 3D0X2 (Cyber Systems Operations) or the 3D0X3 (Cyber Surety) which deal with securing and maintaining the Air Force's vast computing infrastructure.

The U.S. Navy also offers several IT roles, including the Information Systems Technician (IT), Cryptologic Technician Networks (CTN), and the IT - Submarine (ITS). These roles vary from maintaining and repairing systems to cybersecurity.

It's important to note, however, that assignments in the military can be unpredictable. You may select and be trained for a job and then be utilized for an assignment outside of your specialty, depending on the needs of the service at the time.

Remember that a career in the military is also a lifestyle choice. It would be worthwhile to understand the specific cultures and commitments associated with each branch. Therefore, in addition to researching roles, you may find it helpful to speak with someone currently serving in each branch to gain a better perspective. Regardless of which branch you choose, serving in the military can provide you with a solid foundation in technology and discipline.

Best of luck!

3 months ago

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