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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Academics - Easiest Major for College?

As a high school junior, thinking about my future has become a frequent activity. I know picking a major isn't as simple as what's 'easy' or 'hard', but I would still be interested to know what you guys think are some of the easiest majors to study in college.

3 months ago

It's great to see you're beginning to explore options for your college major. However, defining what's 'easy' or 'hard' can be quite subjective as it highly depends on individual interests, strengths, and career goals.

That being said, some students find certain majors to be less intensive or demanding in terms of workload or complexity. For example, Communications, Sociology, and some Business-related fields like Marketing or Business Administration are often cited as less rigorous - but this doesn't mean they're effortless. All college programs require dedication, studying, and engagement.

Yet, it's of crucial importance to take into account that choosing a major based solely on perceived difficulty could result in an unsatisfactory college experience. It might be helpful to think more about what you're passionate about or what career paths interest you, and choose a major that aligns with those interests and goals.

Lastly, remember that even within a major, there can be a wide range of difficulty depending on the school you attend or the specific classes you choose to take.

Just a note: every major can lead to success as long as you're committed, seek internships, build skills, and network effectively!

3 months ago

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