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Having a Kid, Considering Military, Which Branch Best?

I'm a junior planning my life beyond high school and, importantly, I've a kiddo to think about. I've been considering the military as an option, as it would provide a sense of stability and benefits for my child. I guess my query is which branch, in your opinion and experience, would be best for someone with a child in the picture? I'm aiming to balance a fulfilling military career with being a present parent.

3 months ago

Deciding the right military branch for you is a personal decision that largely depends on your interests, skills, and life goals. However, considering you have a child and want to balance duty with parenting, the choice might become a bit different.

People often say that the Air Force and Navy may provide more stability in terms of location — bases tend to be in the mainland U.S. and potential for overseas deployment might be lesser, compared to other branches. But, be aware that each branch has its shipping out periods and deployments which might keep you away from home for extended periods.

The Air Force typically focuses on and invests in education, offers better housing, and you may find career paths which offer a bit more ‘normalcy’ in terms of a work pattern. The Navy also offers many opportunities to learn and advance in various fields while providing a good housing program as well.

While the Army, Coast Guard, and Marines are also excellent options with their own benefits and stability components, the lifestyle might be different, with a higher potential for overseas or boat-based deployments. Check out branches' family programs targeted towards ensuring your child's well-being while you're on duty.

Lastly, I could recommend meeting recruiters from various branches and ask them about day-to-day life, the likelihood of relocation, access to family services, and opportunity for career growth — they may provide the most present and accurate insight.

Remember, your future in the military is what you make of it. Consider your passions and your strengths when deciding your career path. There are so many options and job choices associated with each military branch.

3 months ago

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