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Joining the military for college - best branch?

All, I’m trying to figure out my path post-high school - I’m really considering joining the military as a way to help out with college tuition and such. Is there a 'best' branch for that?

3 months ago

The choice to join the military is a significant one that should be weighed heavily, especially when it intersects with your college career. While it's commendable that you're contemplating this option, it's important to realize that the best branch for supporting your college education might differ between individuals based on personal circumstances, interests, and long-term goals.

That said, it might be helpful to know that each branch of the military does offer benefits that can greatly assist with the cost of your college education. They each have some version of the GI Bill, which covers a major portion of college tuition and often includes a housing stipend and book allowance. Some branches also offer tuition assistance programs to allow servicemen to attend college while they serve.

For example, the Army, Air Force, and Navy all have ROTC programs that offer scholarships. These scholarships sometimes cover full tuition and provide a monthly allowance for living expenses, in exchange for serving in that branch once you graduate. Joining the ROTC also gives you the opportunity to try your hand at military roles while still in a college setting.

The Air Force is often cited for its emphasis on advanced technical training, and you might consider this branch if you're interested in areas like science, technology, or aviation. The Navy and Coast Guard, on the other hand, have strong programs for those interested in maritime studies or homeland security. The Army is the largest branch with a wide array of opportunities, and could be a good fit if you're seeking an expansive choice of roles or want to join the Army ROTC.

Another branch to consider is the National Guard, which has tuition assistance programs and scholarships applicable to the state's public institutions.

The newest branch, the Space Force, offers interesting career paths in satellite communications and space technologies — though it's quite niche and may not align with everyone's interests or career goals.

Ultimately, the best branch will be the one that aligns with your interests, intends to pursue the field of study, and your career goals post-service. It's important to thoroughly research each branch's education benefits and commitments, and to speak with officers or recruiting personnel in each branch to get a sense of what might be the best fit for you.

3 months ago

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