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What's considered the easiest degree to earn college-wise?

Hey guys, I know this is pretty subjective but I'd love to know your opinions. Is there a college degree that is generally considered 'easier' to obtain, in terms of workload? And if so, why? Of course, I understand that this depends on individual strengths and interests too.

3 months ago

While it's true that the perceived difficulty or ease of earning a degree can vary greatly depending on a student's individual strengths, interests, and skills, it's essential to appreciate that all degree programs in accredited universities have certain academic requirements and standards that must be met.

That being said, some degrees might be considered less stringent because they typically have fewer technical or specialized courses. For example, some people might perceive a Liberal Arts degree, such as in English or Sociology, as 'easier' due to fewer science or math-related classes, if those typically represent a challenge. It's worth noting though, that writing intensive courses or comprehensive research projects, which are typical in these majors, can be quite rigorous in their own right.

On the other hand, degree programs in Business or Communications often are thought to have a more standardized and straightforward curriculum, making them potentially less daunting for some students.

It's important to remember, however, that no degree is inherently 'easy,' and each will present its own unique set of challenges. It's more about matching your personal capabilities and passion with the degree program. For instance, a student who enjoys math and problem-solving might find an Engineering degree easier to pursue than one in Psychology or Art History.

Ultimately, the 'easiest' degree will be one in a field that you are genuinely interested in and enjoy studying. When you are enthusiastic about a subject, the coursework isn't just manageable but can be engaging and fulfilling, making the path to earning your degree much smoother and, dare I say, easier.

3 months ago

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