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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any recommendations on easy college electives to take?

Hey everyone, just trying to figure out my college course schedule. Any suggestions on relatively easy elective classes to take that might help ease the overall workload? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

There are a variety of elective classes you might consider to lighten your workload, but remember that what seems easy can depend largely on your interests and strengths. Here's a list of options that students often find manageable and enjoyable:

1. Art or Music Appreciation: These types of courses are typically designed for non-art or non-music majors and can provide a break from heavy academic courses while you learn about different types of art or music.

2. Physical Education: Lots of universities offer P.E. electives like yoga, golf, or swimming. It’s a great way to knock out some credits while also de-stressing and getting in some exercise.

3. Introductory Computer Science: Even if this isn't your major, basic programming skills are increasingly valuable in a variety of fields. A beginner's course should introduce you to the key concepts without being too demanding.

4. Public Speaking: This can be an important skill to have and the coursework often involves just a few presentations and class contributions, making this a relatively manageable course.

5. Psychology/Sociology: Introduction to psychology or sociology can be a fascinating and accessible way to fulfill general education requirements. A lot of the content can be intuitive and relatable as you're learning about human behavior and society.

6. Creative Writing: If you enjoy writing, an intro to creative writing course could be a stress reliever. You'll have chances to express yourself artistically while honing your writing skills.

7. Film or Literature Classes: Often, these involve watching movies or reading books and discussing them.

Remember, what is "easy" can be highly subjective and dependent on what you're interested in or good at. Consider your passions, skills, and the grading rubric of the course, not just the content. It's also a good idea to ask classmates or your academic advisor for advice tailored to your specific circumstances and institution.

3 months ago

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