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Easiest college level math course?

Hey, so math has never been my strong suit. I was wondering - what is usually considered the easiest college level math course to take? I want to develop my math skills but also want to ensure I don't bite off more than I can chew here.

3 months ago

Many universities offer a course called "College Algebra" that is often considered one of the easier college-level math courses. This typically involves the study of basic algebraic operations like solving equations, simplifying expressions, understanding exponents and logarithms, and working with polynomial and rational functions. It might be a good fit for you if you're looking to brush up on some skills.

That being said, "easy" can be subjective and it truly depends on your comfort and understanding of math. A "Statistics" course might be a good fit for you if you're more interested in practical applications of math. While it's a different kind of math involving concepts like probabilities, it often resonates better with people because you can see clear real-world uses.

Don't shy away from seeking out supportive resources, such as tutoring or professor/TA office hours, to ensure your success regardless of the course you choose. Building a foundational understanding of the material early on will set you up for success in the course. You might surprise yourself with how much you're able to accomplish with some dedicated study time and the right support!

3 months ago

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