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Easiest college to get into at Cambridge for high school hand-in?

Hi, I'm gonna apply to Cambridge university and I'm just curious about which college there is the easiest to get into. I understand that 'easiest' is relative, but are some colleges typically more accepting than others?

3 months ago

From what I understand, there are no significant differences in competitiveness between colleges at the University of Cambridge. They all have a rigorous admissions process.

That said, the acceptance rate can fluctuate depending on the year and the subject. For some colleges, the number of applications can be significantly higher than others, which may make them appear more competitive. However, this doesn't necessarily mean they are more difficult to get into - Cambridge uses an intercollegiate pooling system. What that means is if you're rejected by your first-choice college, you can still be considered by other colleges.

So while it might be tempting to try and pick a college that appears to be "easier" to get into, it's honestly best to choose the one that feels the most like a good fit for you. Consider factors such as facilities, location, accommodation, student life, and the specific course faculty. Choose a college where you believe you will enjoy your time and can thrive acadically.

Remember, getting into Cambridge is more about meeting the high academic standards and demonstrating passion for your chosen subject than choosing a particular college. Good luck with your application!

3 months ago

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