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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any advice on easiest classes to take at Westmont College?

Getting ready to start at Westmont College soon – super excited and a bit nervous! Has anyone here taken classes at Westmont before? Looking for some advice on the easiest classes to start with. Any help or tips you could provide would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

It's fantastic that you're gearing up to start at Westmont College! It's important to remember, though, that what may seem like an "easy" class can largely depend on your personal interests, skills, and the specific professor teaching the class. That being said, there are certain courses that many students, in general, find to be less demanding.

Introduction to Communication Studies is often cited as an approachable course. It gives a broad overview of communication theories and practices which can be useful in any field or career path.

Art Appreciation is another often-mentioned lighter load class. It tends to be less rigorous than some others and gives a nice overview of various periods and types of art.

If you enjoy reading and discussing books, literature classes like Books & Culture might also be a good fit. These focus more on the understanding and interpretation of literature rather than heavy analysis.

Classes like General Psychology or Introduction to Sociology are also interesting and tend to be less heavy on memorization compared to some of the hard sciences.

Remember, Westmont College is known for its small class sizes and student-faculty interaction, so don’t hesitate to ask your advisors or professors for their suggestions too! Furthermore, talking to upperclassmen can provide invaluable insights. Good luck with your journey at Westmont.

3 months ago

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