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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting into UK colleges as an American Student

So I've been daydreaming about studying across the pond in the UK. I've been trying to figure out which colleges over there would be more attainable for an American student like me. I know it's a shot in the dark but do any of you have suggestions for 'easier' colleges to get into in the UK?

3 months ago

If you're considering universities in the UK, there's a wide range of options, from prestigious and highly competitive to more accessible. It's important to know that the UK's application process is less holistic than the US. They place a greater emphasis on academic achievement rather than extracurriculars.

Universities such as the University of Birmingham, University of Leeds, University of Southampton, and King's College London might be a bit more within reach than the ultra-selective Oxford or Cambridge. Note that 'within reach' is relative and you'll still want to ensure your academic record is strong to be competitive.

Also keep in mind that the UK system requires you to choose your course (major) upfront, and changing it later is not as easy as in the US. Admissions decisions are primarily based on your qualifications related to that course, including relevant classes you've taken in high school and your standardized test scores.

Ultimately, it's hard to say what's 'easier' without knowing your academic profile, but these universities could prove to be a good balance between reputation and attainability. Do your research, consider your intended major, academic record, any standardized tests you've taken, and holistically assess whether a university fits well with your future academic and career goals.

3 months ago

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