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Are There Easy-to-Get-Into Colleges in Italy?

Looking at broadening my horizons and considering colleges in Italy. Not really sure where to start though. Does anyone know of any colleges over there that aren't super competitive when it comes to admissions?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are a variety of colleges in Italy that have less competitive admissions compared to the international universities often discussed here. Here are a few to consider.

1. The University of Bologna: The University of Bologna is one of the oldest universities in the world and offers a number of degree programs in English. While there can be some competition, numerous programs have higher acceptance rates.

2. The University of Pisa: The University of Pisa is another good choice. It's a well-respected institution with a wide range of different fields of study, and it often has a larger number of available spots than applicants, especially for some of its programs.

3. The University of Palermo: The University of Palermo offers study programs in Italian and English and has a wide variety of areas of study. This university is known for being more accessible to international students.

Of course, "easy" is a relative term. Here, I mean these universities tend to have higher acceptance rates and less competitive admissions processes compared to some other universities we talk about on this forum.

Remember that each university might have its own requirements when it comes to language proficiency. Some might require you to have proficiency in Italian, or provide study programs in English. It's vital that you research these requirements and prepare ahead to ensure your application is as strong as possible.

In addition, aside from academics, consider factors like the cost of living, campus culture, and location. It's important to ensure the overall fit is right for you too. Best of luck in your search!

3 months ago

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