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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Required to take the PSAT before the SAT?

Hey guys, quick question – is it a must to take the PSAT before you take the SAT? Or can you just go straight to the SAT without any issues? Trying to plan my test taking strategy and I'm not sure how important the PSAT actually is in the grand scheme.

a year ago

Hello there! It's great that you're looking ahead at your testing strategy. To answer your question, no, it's not required to take the PSAT before the SAT. While many students find the PSAT useful as practice for the SAT, it's not a prerequisite.

That said, taking the PSAT can have some benefits. For one, it might help you become familiar with the style of questions and the exam format, which can alleviate test-day anxiety. Additionally, the PSAT is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program, so if you're a high performer, there could be scholarship implications.

Ultimately, the choice to take the PSAT depends on your individual needs and how comfortable you already feel with standardized testing. If you want practice and are interested in scholarship opportunities, taking the PSAT could be a valuable step. Otherwise, it's perfectly fine to go directly to the SAT.

a year ago

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