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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What opportunities can a 1140 PSAT score open up for me?

Juniors, how are you handling your college prep? Got my PSAT score, it’s a 1140, and I'm curious what this could mean for my college applications next year. Can a score like this stand out, or does it put me in the average pool? Also, do colleges care about these scores, or should I focus more on my SATs now? Would really like to hear from others about how they used their PSAT scores effectively!

a year ago

Hey there! Great job on taking the PSAT — it's a solid step in your college prep journey. So, a 1140 PSAT score is a bit above the national average for juniors. While it's not in the range typically considered competitive for National Merit Scholarships, it does show that you have a good foundation to build on for the SAT.

Colleges won't see your PSAT score as part of your application; they are much more interested in your SAT or ACT scores. That's where you should focus most of your energy now. What the PSAT is really useful for is giving you a gauge of where you stand and what areas you need to focus on for the SAT. For example, if you found the math section challenging, investing time in improving those skills would be beneficial.

It's also not just about the score itself—it's about what you do after you get your PSAT results. Some students use their PSAT score to target their prep for the SAT, like enrolling in a prep course or working with a tutor specifically on areas the PSAT indicated were weak. And as you prepare, keep in mind that even though colleges primarily look at SAT or ACT scores, a balanced application will also include strong grades, impactful extracurriculars, and personal essays that resonate with admissions officers.

So, I'd say take your PSAT score as a baseline and aim higher for your SATs. There are plenty of resources out there, from free Khan Academy practice to various prep books and courses. Best of luck, and remember, this journey is a marathon, not a sprint!

a year ago

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