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Easiest science to pick up in college?

I'm currently a high school junior considering my college course load. I need undeniably science credits but science is not my strong suit. Anyone have suggestions on what science courses in college might be more accessible, interesting, and let's face it, easier than the others?

3 months ago

While the difficulty of a science course can vary depending on the college you attend and your existing skills in the area, many students find introductory-level courses in disciplines like Astronomy and Environmental Science to be more approachable.

Astronomy is often a popular choice because it can provide captivating topics such as the study of stars, galaxies, planets, and the universe's history. It's often more observational and less reliant on complex equations and laboratory work, which some students appreciate.

Environmental Science is another common choice due to its multidisciplinary approach, combining elements of biology, chemistry, geography, and social sciences to understand the natural world and human impacts on it. This variety can make the course both interesting and more approachable to students from a range of backgrounds.

That said, it's crucial to remember that interest often fuels motivation. If you're genuinely interested in a subject, it may not feel as challenging because you're engaged and curious. Therefore, you should consider your interests first when choosing a science course. Look at the course descriptions offered by your campus and see if anything aligns with your existing set of interests!

This can help you find a balance between meeting your science credit requirements and enjoying your coursework. Keep in mind that any science course at the college level will likely require a consistent study routine and potentially lab work as well!

3 months ago

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