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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What happens if you get a perfect score on the PSAT?

Hey guys, just out of curiosity, what kind of doors does a perfect PSAT score open? I've heard about National Merit - is that the main thing, or are there other benefits too?

a year ago

Achieving a perfect score on the PSAT can indeed open some significant doors for you. You're right that the most notable opportunity is qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship Program, which can lead to scholarship money and recognition. This designation can be a strong addition to your college application and is viewed positively by admissions committees. Moreover, a perfect PSAT score demonstrates impressive standardized test-taking skills which may predict success on the SAT or ACT scores, which are critical components of your college application. Some schools and private organizations might also offer additional scholarships or recognitions for students with high PSAT scores. Keep in mind that the PSAT is also a valuable practice for the SAT, and scoring well may give you added confidence as you prepare for future college entrance exams. Nevertheless, remember that a perfect score on the PSAT, while an excellent achievement, is just one part of your overall application and student profile.

a year ago

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