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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What makes a 'Why This College' essay stand out to admissions?

Hey friends! So for those ‘Why this college’ essays, what do colleges really want to hear? I've got some reasons but how can I tell it in a way that's unique to me and not just like everyone else’s answers?

a year ago

The key to a standout 'Why This College' essay is to provide a deeply personal and specific narrative that ties your interests, goals, and experiences directly to what the college uniquely offers. Admissions officers are looking for authentic reasons why their institution is the best fit for you, not just a list of their programs or rankings.

Conduct thorough research on the college and demonstrate a clear link between what they offer and your academic, professional, and personal aspirations. For example, if you're interested in environmental science, talk about a specific faculty member's research that excites you and how you see yourself contributing to that work.

Highlighting particular courses, student organizations, community projects, or campus culture that resonate with you can give admissions officers a clear picture of why you belong at their school. Keep in mind that the best way to make your narrative compelling and show your interest is to be as detailed as possible.

a year ago

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