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Basic Training Locations for all Military Branches

Hey everyone, I'm considering joining the military after high school, and I'm currently exploring my options. Does anyone know where all the branches of the military have their basic training locations?

5 months ago

Sure, here's a list of the basic training locations for each of the six branches of the United States military:

1. Army: The Army conducts its Basic Combat Training (BCT) at three primary locations: Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina; Fort Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma; and Fort Leonard Wood in St. Robert, Missouri.

2. Navy: The Navy's Recruit Training Command is located in Great Lakes, Illinois, near Chicago. This is the only site for Navy Basic Training.

3. Air Force: The Air Force conducts Basic Military Training (BMT) at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.

4. Marine Corps: Marine Corps Recruit Training occurs at two locations: Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island in South Carolina and Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego in California.

5. Coast Guard: The Coast Guard Training Center for basic training is located in Cape May, New Jersey.

6. Space Force: Being the newest branch, the Space Force currently sends their recruits to complete their basic military training at the U.S. Air Force's Basic Military Training (BMT) at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.

Remember, the place where you attend basic training can set the groundwork for your entire military career, so it’s important to prepare as best as you can. Best of luck with your decision!

5 months ago

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