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Life in the Military When You're Married and in Different Branches?

Quick question - I'm considering a military career, but I have a long-term boyfriend who's also interested in joining, potentially a different branch. How does this situation usually work out? Can being married but in two different military branches have significant impacts on your personal life or career prospects?

3 months ago

Being married in the military, especially when you and your spouse are in different branches, certainly presents its challenges but it's not impossible. One significant concept is what's known as "joint domicile" or "co-location", policies intended to allow military couples to be stationed together or at least within reasonable traveling distance of each other. However, the effectiveness of these initiatives can significantly vary - it’s just not always possible for the military to station spouses together, depending on the base or specific job responsibilities.

Your career can be affected in the sense that you may not always have control over where you're stationed. Assignments are usually based on the needs of the military, your individual performance, and your professional development needs. Being part of a military couple can limit some of your choices if you always want to be stationed together.

As for your personal life, regular relocations, deployments, and the general demands of military life can put a strain on any relationship. Communication and planning become especially important in situations where you and your spouse are not co-located. The development of resilience and adaptability in your relationship is crucial in successfully managing the unique challenges that military life presents.

Assuming you both are resolute in joining the military, I highly recommend that you reach out to other military couples who have experienced these circumstances. They can give you a first-hand account of what you're likely to face and how to overcome potential challenges, as well as tips on making the best of this lifestyle.

3 months ago

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