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How Long is Basic Training for Each Military Branch?

Hello! So, I'm part of the high school class of 2024, trying to chart my post-high school path. I'm leaning towards the military but really feel clueless about some of the logistics. Like, how long do the basic training periods last for each branch? Is there a significant difference across the branches? Any advice or info would be super helpful!

5 months ago

I'm glad you're considering serving your country and looking at the military as an option after high school! Here's a breakdown of the length of basic training across the various branches of the U.S. military:

1. Army: Basic Combat Training (BCT) lasts about 10 weeks.

2. Navy: Recruit Training, or "boot camp," is approximately 10 weeks long.

3. Marine Corps: Recruit Training lasts 13 weeks, not including processing and shipping.

4. Air Force: Basic Military Training (BMT) lasts about 7.5 weeks.

5. Coast Guard: Basic Training is approximately 8 weeks.

6. Space Force: As the newest branch of the military, the Space Force currently draws its members from the Air Force, so the training would be the same as the Air Force's BMT.

Remember, the lengths given above represent basic training periods only. Depending upon your chosen specialty or "MOS," there may be additional schooling or advanced training after basic. This can significantly extend the training period before you fully enter service. It's also worth noting that the intensity and focus of training can vary between branches, even if the duration is similar. Each military branch has its own unique culture and mission, so it's essential to consider more than just the length of basic training when deciding on your path.

I hope this helps! Good luck with your decision.

5 months ago

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