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Best Military Option for Humint?

So, I've always been intrigued by the whole intelligence field, specifically HUMINT. I'm considering joining the military after graduation as a means to get into this field. Can anyone recommend the best branch for someone with an interest in HUMINT?

3 months ago

Absolutely! When it comes to military intelligence and more specifically, Human Intelligence (HUMINT), each branch has offerings, but the Army and the Marine Corps have prominent programs in this area.

U.S Army: The Army has a military occupation specialty (MOS) directly focused on HUMINT - MOS 35M, or Human Intelligence Collector. Soldiers in this role are trained to gather intelligence from human sources, typically through interrogations and conversations.

U.S Marine Corps: The Marine Corps also values HUMINT collection, and their MOS for this is 0211, or Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) Specialist. Like their Army counterparts, Marines in this MOS gather information from human sources.

U.S Air Force: While the Air Force does not have a specific HUMINT role, they do have Special Investigations Officers (AFSC 71SX), which involves some HUMINT tasks.

U.S Navy: The Navy does not have a specific HUMINT role, but some sailors assigned to the Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command and Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) may perform HUMINT tasks.

If you are committed to diving deep into HUMINT, it may be beneficial to consider the Army or the Marine Corps. However, this decision highly depends on your personal preferences and what type of military service you are interested in otherwise. I would recommend contacting a recruiter from the branches you're considering to get a deeper insight into the opportunities and requirements.

Remember that entering any military intelligence field will involve security clearances, so it's important to maintain good moral character, and keep your finances and record clean. It's also beneficial to earn high marks in your classes and on your entrance exams to make sure you qualify for intelligence roles.

Lastly, once in the military, there are HUMINT training schools you can attend such as the Advanced Source Operations Course (ASOC), that would allow you to become even more specialized in the field. Good Luck!

3 months ago

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