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Military Pathway to a Law Career

Currently a rising junior and highly considering pursuing a career in law. I know the military can offer great opportunities but I'm in bit of a pickle. Can anyone chip in with their thoughts on which branch might be the best for future lawyers?

3 months ago

The choice of which military branch to join can really come down to personal preference as all branches of the U.S. Military offer pathways for legal careers.

The Army, Navy, and Air Force all have Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG), under which you can serve as a military lawyer dealing with military law. They handle a variety of issues including international law, operational law, and issues related to practice before military courts. They often gain experience in international law and criminal law very quickly as a result.

Similarly, the Marine Corps falls under the Department of the Navy, and therefore, also has a JAG division. The Coast Guard has a legal program that consists of approximately 200 judge advocates and civilian attorneys, offering a breadth of experience.

If you're considering the newest branch, Space Force, bear in mind that as of now, the Department of the Air Force provides legal support to the U.S. Space Force through the Air Force JAG program. So it's administered the same way as in the Air Force.

Keep in mind that getting into the JAG corps straight from law school can be competitive. An alternative pathway could be to first serve as a military officer, and then pursue a law degree with the help of military education benefits or fellowships offered by the JAG corps.

Lastly, it's important to note that being a lawyer in the military can differ greatly from being a civilian attorney. You'll have military duties and requirements on top of your legal work, and you'll need to meet physical fitness standards. So, it's important for you to consider those realities along with your career goals.

3 months ago

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