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Choosing a military branch for aspiring helicopter pilots?

Sup guys, I'm an aspiring helicopter pilot. I've been flying simulators since I was 12 and now I'm thinking to make it be my career. Which branch of the military is considered the best for helicopter pilots in terms of training and job opportunities?

3 months ago

Hi there, it's great to see your clear career goal! Each branch of the U.S. military has its unique aviation programs, so let's look at a few:

- Army: The Army is the branch with the largest fleet of helicopters. You might consider Warrant Officer Flight Training (WOFT), a highly competitive program where you join as a private, receive initial training, then enter flight school. Here, you could fly aircraft such as the Chinook, Blackhawk, or Apache.

- Navy: Helicopter pilots here often serve in roles related to sea-based operations, such as search and rescue (SAR) or anti-submarine warfare. The MH-60 Seahawk is one of the most common helicopters in the Navy.

- Air Force: Though the Air Force has fewer helicopters, they do have specialized models like the Pave Hawk for SAR and the V-22 Osprey, a tiltrotor aircraft serving roles like troop transport and resupply.

- Marines: Marine pilots get comprehensive training to support ground infantry, with aircraft such as the AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter and CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter.

Consider factors such as the specific type of helicopter and missions you wish to fly and each branch's training program. Each branch can provide rigorous training, so it might be worthwhile to talk with recruiters from these branches and current/former pilots to get more insight. Good luck with your journey to the skies!

3 months ago

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