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Recommended military branch for HUMINT careers?

Hi there, I'm thinking about post-high school options right now and I like the idea of working in Human Intelligence (HUMINT). Can anyone give me an idea of which military branch would be most beneficial for this type of career?

3 months ago

If your ambition is specifically to work in Human Intelligence (HUMINT), both the Army and the Navy could be beneficial choices.

In the Army, you might want to consider the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) as a 35M Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Collector. This role involves information collection from human sources, conducting interrogations and debriefings, and preparing intelligence reports.

The Navy also places a high emphasis on intelligence. You may consider the Intelligence Specialist (IS) rate if you're interested in HUMINT. Intelligence Specialists in the Navy analyze intelligence data, prepare and present intelligence briefings, and use various intelligence systems.

It's important to note that each branch of the military can provide valuable training and experience. Additionally, Intelligence Careers are also commonly associated with the Air Force and Marine Corps. Post-military, these skills and experiences could translate into federal intelligence work with organizations such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, or DIA.

Keep in mind that security clearance and language proficiency can be critical in this field. So, whichever military branch you select, you'd likely want to work on honing foreign language skills and ensuring you maintain a record that will support obtaining and maintaining a high-level security clearance.

Remember, it's always a good idea to speak to recruiters from several different branches, and make sure to ask plenty of questions so you can get a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and potential drawbacks of each.

3 months ago

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