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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Navy SEALS - Open to All?

Hey guys, so I just watched an inspiring movie on the Navy SEALS, and it got me wondering - can members from any military branch aim to join the SEALS, or is it restricted to the navy only?

3 months ago

Yes, individuals from all branches of the military, not just the Navy, can apply to become Navy SEALs. The process requires you to go through a cross-branch transfer, which in itself may take some time and administrative work. After securing approval for the switch, you'd then need to put in an application for the SEAL program and start preparing for the rigorous selection process known as BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training).

It's worth mentioning that even for those within the Navy, getting into the SEALs is by no means a guarantee. It's recognized as one of the most challenging special operations programs, with a high attrition rate. The physical and mental demands are intense, starting with a Physical Screening Test that tests for running, swimming, pull-ups, push-ups, and a myriad of other intensive workouts. Furthermore, candidates are subjected to 'Hell Week' - a 5 and a half day long training with minimal sleep and around the clock physical conditioning.

So, while it's open to all military branches, the step to become a Navy SEAL is a highly demanding and complex endeavor that requires a great deal of commitment, resilience, and preparation.

3 months ago

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