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Switching branches after swearing in – can I?

Good day! I've got a question that's been bugging me – is it possible to switch branches after swearing in for one? Has anybody had experiences with this? Does the fact that you've sworn in to a certain branch tie you down to serving there exclusively?

3 months ago

It's indeed possible to switch military branches after swearing in, but it's typically complex and filled with bureaucratic red tape. There's no guarantee that you would be able to successfully secure a transfer. Here's why:

- The Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP): When you first swear in after passing medical at MEPS, you're officially enlisted under the Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP). During this period, you can opt out without any legal repercussions. However, leaving the DEP can potentially harm your future military prospects, as it might be viewed unfavorably by recruiters in the future.

- The actual enlistment: After you go to basic, things change. You sign a contract for a specific period of time, with a commitment to serve in the designated branch. If you want to switch at this point, you would generally need to complete your enlistment term before transferring to another branch.

- Inter-service transfers: These are possible, but they are not common and require a lot of paperwork and approval from many levels of command. They usually happen for specific jobs that have shortages in one service and overstaffing in another.

Your 'swear in' doesn't tie you down irreversibly to one branch, but switching isn't a straightforward process. It's highly advisable to be absolutely certain of your choice of branch before you sign the enlistment contract. Make sure you research all the branches, speak with recruiters from each one, and think carefully about where you will be happiest and most successful.

3 months ago

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