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Medical Conditions and Military Service: Can I join any branch with epilepsy?

Hey there, hope y'all are well. I have epilepsy, and I'd really love to serve my country. I've had a bit of difficulty finding clear specifics online. To put it simply: can I join any branch of the military with this medical condition?

3 months ago

According to the official military recruitment standards, active epilepsy is usually seen as a disqualifying medical condition for all branches of the military, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force. The primary reason for this is the military's concern about the unpredictable nature of seizures and the potential impact on operational readiness.

However, there are cases where an individual who had epilepsy during childhood but has been seizure-free without medication for a certain period may be considered for a waiver. Each case is evaluated on an individual basis. After a thorough medical evaluation and review of medical documentation, the military service's Surgeon General’s office determines whether an individual is fit to serve, or if a waiver will be granted.

So while having epilepsy can present a hurdle to military enlistment, it doesn't automatically disqualify someone from potentially serving. The best course of action is to speak with a recruiter who can guide you through the process and offer more personalized advice based on your specific situation. Just be prepared to provide comprehensive medical records and bearing in mind that the final decision will be made by the Surgeon General’s office.

3 months ago

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